November 20, 2012

[Self-imposed] Sworn Statements of this 23-year-old bachelor

You can eat what you want provided you burn those calories. Maintain your metabolism. Be health conscious. Exercise at least twice a week. Commit to work outs, play some hoops, pedal your bicycle.

Find time to jive with your electric guitar and practice your fingers with pentatonic scales. Anyways, you can sing anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

Read. Read and read. And as much as possible, turn them into writing. Enhance the skill - the very aim why this blog is created.

"SAVE for the rainy days" is your perpetual motto. By all means, be frugal.

So what if you have a car? P600.00 worth of gasoline shall suffice for the whole week as your transportation allowance. (Gimmicks on weekends included! Geeez)

Not only bounded, but you're constantly complied to familiarize yourself on the political landscape of this country. Keen memory and knowledge is substantially beneficial. This is one major mandate of your job. (Pag walang knowledge, walang power)

Thou shall always be updated to current events, both international and local. You're a news soldier, keep that in mind.

Thou shall not sleep without reading the daily bread; one page shall be fine to satiate your spirit and soul each and every day.

Enjoy life... slow, surely and steady. Live without restrictions, live without regrets. Do what you want to do while you're still young, wild and free. (But with utmost accountability. Ahhh what?!)

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