December 17, 2013

It's a wrap: game face on

It's been one helluva year. Gone through ups and downs. Family struggled yet endured. Gained some, lost many. Stumble was more dominant than rise. But, it's okay. No worries. Understandable. Bearable. Life ain't life without distress and misery. Just prayed all the time.

Sports reign over music. Felt great and it smelled-like-teen-spirit indulging much time on cardio activities. Playing basketball hoops is thriving alongside biking and some lifting. A certified kid('s) at work. Though, the musician in me is lacking in presence. Missed the microphone, the guitar and the band - that feeling of living in euphoric musical atmosphere.

Time to invest. Earlier 'bout half of this year, I'd put some savings on ventures that's yet to bear fruit. Thereafter shall give more time, be focus and exert more effort to attain what should be attain. Also, was able to commit to some moonlighting which I would definitely continue to do so come 2014. On one hand, would also love to explore what it's like to be a wanderlust. Leggo.

To greener pastures! 2013 is about to end. Two weeks from now I'll be sending my farewell from the news arena, the very first job I got after college graduation. It's been 3 fruitful years of working in a news organization with crazy, brilliant, cool-under-the-pressure people I now prefer to call friends. (Learned many, so many things in a whole lot of frame covering different perspectives. Will be a politically-exposed person no more. :|)


This would be a no-nostalgic feeling; I'm determined to move forward with my own terms.

For now, the path is not clear; but one thing's for sure, it would be worth taking.

Next year would be a year of taking a lot of fall.

Risk while still young, risk 'til learn. 

− That, should be the mantra.

(PS: What about love? Oh, that would be another force in the world in need of another quest.)

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